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I speak English!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can I say "Quem é ela?" in English? a) Who she is? b) Who is she?
b) Who is she?
How can I say "Quem é?" in English? a) Who is this? b) Who is?
a) Who is this?
How can I say "Você é a Laura?" a) Are you Laura? b) You are Laura?
a) Are you Laura?
How can I say "Você é Coreano?" in English? a) You are Korean? b) Are you Korean?
b) Are you Korean?
How can I say "Você é dos Estados Unidos?" in English?  a) Are you from the US?  b) You are from the US?
a) Are you from the US?
How can I say "Você é de Rio Grande?" in English?  a) You are from Rio Grande?  b) Are you from Rio Grande?
b) Are you from Rio Grande?
Where is she from? / Where is Ariana Grande from?
She is from the USA.
Where is he from? / Where is Justin Bieber from?
He is from Canada.
Perdi o celular. How can I say "Onde está meu celular?" in English? a) Where my phone is?  b) Where is my phone?
b) Where is my phone?
How can I say "De onde você é?" in English? a) Where are you from? b) Where are you?
a) Where are you from?
Como dizer o número do celular? How do you spell the number "987-30-25-04"?
nine-eight-seven three-ou two-five ou-four
Como você soletra ...? How do you spell "Katy Perry"?
How can I say "Quantos anos ela tem?" in English?  a) How old is she?  b) How old she is?
a) How old is she? 
How can I say "É o meu amigo" in English? a) Is my friend. b) It's my friend. 
b) It's my friend. 
How can I say "Quantos anos você tem?" in English? a) What's your age? b) How old are you?
b) How old are you?
How can I say "Prazer em conhecer você." in English?
Nice to meet you.