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1. Past Perfect Tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Australia? / moved to / before / there / worked / she / had / your mum
Had your mum worked there before she moved to Australia?
at the hospital / had / Mary / told me /got a new job / that / she
Mary told me that she had got a new job at the hospital
studied English / they / had / spoke English / well / my children / before
My children had studied English before they spoke English well
this illness / before / hadn`t / you / had / swam in the river / you
You hadn`t had this illness before you swam in the river
started / played / before / I had / school / I / soccer
I had played soccer before I started school
the truth / she / hadn`t / to her / told / mother / before she left
She hadn`t told the truth to her mother before she left
married / got / he / before / weight / lost / had / he
He had lost weight before he got married
before / to China / had / they / married / travelled / my parents
My parents had married before they travelled to China
had / had / she / Jenny / a dog / 10 years old / before / was
Jenny had had a dog before she was 10 years old.
run / Luis / before last competition / race / had / in a ?
Had Luis run in a race before last competition?
Kate / bought / told me / nobody / had / a new car / that
Nobody told me that Kate had bought a new car.
in Spain / before / had / lived / she / to Canada / Mary / moved?
Had Mary lived in Spain before she moved to Canada?
returned home/ the puppies / hadn't / eaten / before / I 
The puppies hadn't  eaten before I returned home.
known / before / Jake / his friend / had / at the party / they / met
Jake had known his friend before they met at the party.
breakfast / hadn`t / already / Garfield / had / by 10 am last Monday
Garfield hadn`t already had breakfast by 10 am last Monday.
gym / Luisa / gone / to the / had /by the end of the day?
Had Luisa gone to the gym by the end of the day?
yesterday / had / we / to the cinema / before / been
We had been to the cinema before yesterday.
already / their lunch / had / eaten / they / by that time?
Had they already eaten their lunch by that time?
ridden / had / not / a horse / that / day / she / before
She had not ridden a horse before that day
met / they / not / before /saw each other / had / in the street they
They had not met before they saw each other in the street
talked / before / met? / had / they / they
Had they talked before they met?
broke / the boy / built / had / that / we / the sandcastle
The boy broke the sandcastle that we had built
Africa / he / to / by / 1998 / had / gone / not
He had not gone to Africa by 1998
had / cat / mouse / a / caught / the / by 5 pm yesterday
The cat had caught a mouse by 5 pm yesterday