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♥Comparatives and Superlatives♥

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Cam is safest here than there.
Cam is safer here than there.
English is easy to learn than Spanish.
English is easier to learn than Spanish.
Spiderman is most powerful than Batman.
Spiderman is more powerful than Batman.
Katy is pretty than Loreny.
Katy is prettier than Loreny.
Elephants are the heavy animals.
Elephants are the heaviest animals.
Sam knows how to cook the better dishes.
Sam knows how to cook the best diches.
Ammy is the most eldest of the group.
Ammy is the eldest of the group.
Mike is the funnier person in the party.
Mike is the funniest person in the party.
Some series have the more interesting plots.
Some series have the most interesting plots.
Power Rangers is the best than program in the television.
Power Rangers is the best program in the television.
He is the better soccer player in the campus.
He is the best soccer player in the campus.
My grandpa is more old than my mom.
My grandpa is older than my mom.
This cellphone is beautifuller than that one.
This cellphone is more beautiful than that one.
My chair is smaller that yours.
My chair is smaller than yours.
Homero is the happier person in the world.
Homero is the happiest person in the world.
My sister drives more fast than that cat.
My sister drives faster than that cat.