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Mix unit 4 All Right HV1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Translate: Ik hoop dat ze me een cadeau geeft.
I hope she will give me a present.
Translate and spell: paardrijden
horse riding
Translate and spell (long form!): dierenarts
Translate: Ik ben bang dat ik onze plannen moet afzeggen.
I'm afraid (that) I'll have to cancel our plans
Is it difficult to bake an apple pie if you have too ...... apples?
The boys won't eat all the cake, ....
will they?
Silvia grew up in Western Australia,
didn't she?
... I buy you a drink? I ... get some potato chips, too.
Shall - shall / will
This chocolate you bought isn't very nice. B: Oh really? Then I _______ buy it again.
Give a matching sentence to this question tag: ..... , doesn't it?
Why are you wearing your best suit? I ______ (to have) lunch with my biggest customer.
am going to have, am having
Right or wrong: He never sleeps more than 3 hours each night, does he?
Is there ...... traffic where you live?
You've been to Canada before,
haven't you?
I've already decided. I ______ (to buy) a new car
am going to buy
I can wait for you. I still have ...... time.
some / a little / a bit of
I can't wait for you. I have ...... time.
What are your plans for the holidays?I ______ (to relax) and do nothing much.
am going to relax
She'll come at six,
won't she?
I'm the best ....
aren't I?
Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this? Good idea. I ______ (to bring) desert..
will bring
We're working tomorrow,......
aren't we?
We have very ...... balloons. Please buy some more for tonight's party.
It’s 5 o'clock already. We ______ (to miss) the bus.
are going to
They play rugby on Sundays,...
don't they?