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Simple Past Mistakes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How long did you studied English?
How long did you study English?
How much meat did your dog ate?
How much meat did your dog eat?
My mother didn't told me anything.
My mother didn't tell me anything.
Was you teachers kind in elementary school?
Were you teachers kind in elementary school?
The teacher teached a good lesson yesterday.
The teacher taught a good lesson yesterday.
You spended all of your money last week.
You spent all of your money last week.
I meeted new people in the university two weeks ago.
I met new people in the university two weeks ago.
I losed my wallet in the store last Friday.
I lost my wallet in the store last Friday.
I known her before I moved to Minnesota.
I knew her before I moved to Minnesota.
I known her before I moved to Minnesota.
I knew her before I moved to Minnesota.
Omar haved a very bad headache last night.
Omar had a very bad headache last night.
You didn't forgot to bring our project to class yesterday.
You didn't forget to bring our project to class yesterday.
Lydia didn't flew to Los Angeles last month.
Lydia didn't fly to Los Angeles last month.
The students taken a test yesterday.
The students took a test yesterday.
Logan, Leo and I go to Tokio last year.
Logan, Leo and I went to Tokio last year.
It were horrible not being able to phone you two!
It was horrible not being able to phone you two!
My little sister gived me her last bar of chocolate.
My little sister gave me her last bar of chocolate.
I didn’t be at school yesterday.
I wasn't at school yesterday.
I waked up at 6am this morning.
I woke up at 6am this morning.
Ethan and Charlotte was born in 2001.
Ethan and Charlotte were born in 2001.
Aurora lives in Dublin all her life. She died last year.
Aurora lived in Dublin all her life. She died last year.
The bus didn't stopped.
The bus didn't stop.
Was Oliver and Jasper at home last night?
Were Oliver and Jasper at home last night?
Did you ate dinner last night?
Did you eat dinner last night?