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This is something everyone does. Even animals do it. Dogs might do it on a bed, in a kennel, on the floor, or even on your lap. You might do it in a bed.
This is a kind of candy bar. The wrapper is brown. There is chocolate on the outside, and nuts and caramel on the inside.
This is a rodent. You might see one if you look up in a tree. They have bushy tails and they like nuts.
There are 50 of these in the USA. Some examples are Wisconsin, Idaho, and California.
If you are cleaning, you might do this. It is a way to get crumbs off the floor. You use a broom.
This is something a teacher might have on her desk. You push on it to make it work. You use it to hold papers together.
This is something you try not to do. If you do it with your milk, it will make a mess, and you need to wipe it up.
This character lives in a pineapple under the sea. He has a friend named Patrick, and he likes burgers.
This covers your whole body. If it gets cut, you might need a bandaid or stitches.
This could help you go fast. You wear them on your feet. You can slide around on ice.
This is something white and round. You can make it yourself if it is winter. But don't throw one on the playground!
These come from a tree. Sometimes a snowman has arms made of these.
This is something you do with your mouth when you are happy, or when someone says "cheese!"
This is one of your five senses. You can do it with your nose.
Basketball, baseball, soccer, hockey, swimming, and tennis are all kinds of these:
This is an animal that lives in the ocean. Sometimes you find them on the beach. It has 5 points.
This has eyes but can't see, a mouth but can't talk, legs but can't move. You might see one in a corn field. It is made of straw.
This is something bright and far away. You only see them at night. People draw them with 5 points.
This is something kind of small. It can crawl. It climbs up water spouts. It has 8 legs.
You might use it at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It has a handle. You need one if you are eating soup!
This is a place with many books, computers, a cafeteria, desks and chairs. There are often bells. Principals and teachers work there.
You can do this with your feet. It isn't walking, running, or hopping. You might do it with a jump rope.
This is a bunch of bones that are inside you. You might see one on Halloween!
This is a shape. It has 4 equal corners and 4 equal sides.
This is small, square, and ticky. It goes on the corner of an envelope. Sometimes it has a flag on it.
This is something juicy and sweet. It grows on a plant, and it's good in smoothies or yogurt.