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Amusement Park Quiz

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's your reaction when you see your favourite singer on stage.
You cheer (cheer him/her up).
I am a piece of paper. You can buy me in a ticket office.. What am I?
A ticket.
Name two kinds of salty food you can get an amusement park.
Corn dogs, hamburgers, etc.
Name two sweet snacks you can get an amusement park.
Cotton candy, popcorn, etc.
Name two slow rides.
Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, etc.
I am soft, pink, and sweet! When you put me in your mouth, I disappear! What am I?
Cotton candy!
I am yellow on the outside and red on the inside. You can put ketchup on me and eat me! What am I?
A corn dog!
You can drive me around and hit others, but it won't hurt! What kind of ride am I?
Bumper cars!
I am very slow, but I also go very high. When you're at the top, you can see the whole amusement park below you!
A Ferris wheel!
I am very fast, and I can turn you upside down. You need to wear a seat belt. What kind of ride am I?
A rollercoaster!
I carry lots of horses and I go round and round. What kind of ride am I?
A merry-go-round!