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Frequency Adverbs

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My parents / read / the newspaper. (hardly ever)
My parents hardly ever read the newspaper.
Mark / be / sad. (hardly ever)
Mark is hardly ever sad.
I / be / cheerful. (often)
I am often cheerful.
I / celebrate / my birthday / with my friends. (usually)
I usually celebrate my birthday with my friends.
Mike / be / at home / at weekends. (never)
Mike is never at home at weekends.
Isabella / be / punctual / to the meetings. (always)
Isabella is always punctual to the meetings.
Eva and Sam / watch / horror movies / in the evening. (sometimes)
Eva and Sam sometimes watch horror movies in the evening.
Frank / be / sick. (never)
Frank is never  sick.
Sophie / listen to / classical music. (rarely)
Sophie rarely listens to classical music.
I / eat / vegetables and fruits. (always)
I always eat vegetables and fruits.
You / be / at the sports centre / on Sunday. (usually)
You are usually at the sports centre on Sunday.
Our teacher, Mrs Jones, be / late for lessons. (never)
Our teacher, Mrs Jones, is never  late for lessons.
It / be / difficult to find / a place to park. (often)
It is often difficult to find a place to park.
James and Stephen / go / to the cinema / in the summer. (rarely)
James and Stephen rarely go to the cinema in the summer.
In the winter / Sara / go / skiing in France. (sometimes)
In the winter Sara sometimes goes skiing in France.
The school bus / arrive / at 7 o'clock. (always)
The school bus always arrives at 7 o'clock.
My grandmother / go / for a walk / in the evening. (often)
My grandmother often goes for a walk in the evening.
Ramon and Frank / be / hungry. (often)
Ramon and Frank are often hungry.
Tom / be / very friendly. (usually)
Tom is usually very friendly.
I / take / sugar / in my coffee. (hardly ever)
I hardly ever take sugar in my coffee.
Walter / help / his father / in the kitchen. (sometimes)
Walter sometimes helps his father in the kitchen.
My sister / read / her favorite book / before going to bed. ( usually)
My sister usually reads her favorite book before going to bed.
I / be / late / for university. ( never)
I am never late for university.
My dad / cook / dinner. (never)
My dad never cooks dinner.