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Wh questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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who takes care of sick animals
who puts out fires?
Who lives next door to you?
who helps to keep the school clean?
janitor or custodian
who fixes leaks under the sink?
what do you wear on your head?
who flies in a spaceship?
why do butterflies have wings
so they can fly
where do you hang your clothes?
in the closet
what does a cowboy ride?
a horse
what does a monkey eat?
when do you rake the leaves
in the fall
what do you put in the bank?
Who teaches reading and math to students?
a teacher
what does a dog bury in the ground?
his bones
when do you sleep in a tent?
when you go camping
what do you wear on your wrist to tell time?
a watch
Who flies an airplane?
Where do you sleep?
In a bed
When do you wear a raincoat?
When its raining
How do most students get to school?
the school bus
Who serves food in a restaurant?
Who cooks food in a restaurant?
When do you wear your pajamas?
At night
What do you use when its raining?
an umbrella
What do you wear on your feet?
socks and shoes
Who do you see when you are not feeling well?
Who do you visit to clean your teeth?