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5 Words. 1 TV Show.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Chess. Prodigy. Orphaned. Drug. Dependency.
The Queen's Gambit
Star. Wars. The. Child. Favreau.
The Mandalorian
Physicists. Share. Apartment. Geeky. Awkward.
The Big Bang Theory
Baltimore. Law. Enforcement. Seaport. Politics.
The Wire
Formerly. Wealthy. Relocate. Motel. Tribulations.
Schitt's Creek
Four. Boys. Profanity. Dark. Surreal.
South Park
Street-Smart. Philadelphia. Teenager. Wealthy. Uncle.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Final. Frontier. Enterprise. Explore. Worlds.
Star Trek
American. Sketch. Comedy. Celebrity. Guest.
Saturday Night Live
Stone. Age. Family. Rubbles. Neighbors.
The Flintstones
Murder. House. Asylum. Coven. Roanoke.
American Horror Story
Under. Mifflin. Employees. Mockumentary. Deadpan.
The Office
Bikini. Bottom. Aquatic. Friends. Krab.
SpongeBob SquarePants
Cybersecurity. Social. Anxiety. Hacktivists. fsociety.
Mr. Robot
Heaven-like. Utopia. Mistake. Afterlife. 'Architect.'
The Good Place
Adult. Animated. Belcher. Family. Restaurant.
Bob's Burgers
Wild. West. Themed. Park. Androids.
Dysfunctional. Sibling. Superheroes. Impending. Apocalypse.
The Umbrella Academy
Time. Lord. Police. Box. TARDIS.
Doctor Who
British. Physical. Comedy. Childish. Buffoon.
Mr. Bean
Karate. Reprise. Roles. Dojo. Rivalry.
Cobra Kai
Zombie. Apocalypse. Survivors. Fall. Humanity.
The Walking Dead
Boy. Disappearance. Supernatural. Girl. Psychokinetic.
Stranger Things
Misanthropic. Genius. Hospital. Diagnosticians. Illnesses.
Surreal. Parody. NBC. Rockefeller. Plaza.
30 Rock
Albuquerque. Teacher. Cancer. Crime. Drugs.
Breaking Bad
Whedon. Supernatural. Chose. Ones. Watcher.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Westeros. Essos. Alliances. Dynasties. Plotting.
Game of Thrones
Surgical Interns. Residents. Seattle. Relationships.
Grey's Anatomy