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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Classify what kind of quadrilateral is given. 
What is the difference between rectangle and rhombus?
Rhombus has four congruent sides while rectangle has four right angles.
What is quadrilateral?
It is a four-side polygon.
True or False. A rhombus is a square.
It is a quadrilateral with four congruent angles and four congruent sides.
It is a quadrilateral which have no parallel sides but pair of adjacent sides are equal.
It is a kind of trapezoid where it has two right angles
Right Trapezoid
A quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel and equal sides.
Quadrilateral comes from two Latin words ________ and __________. It means variant of four and side.
quadri and latus
How do we name a quadrilateral?
Named using consecutive vertices and the order of using the vertices is important.
The sum of angles in a quadrilateral is ___________.