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Kids 1 - game 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When is Christmas?
Christmas is in December.
When is Carnival?
Carnival is in February.
When is Children's Day?
Children's Day is in October.
Who is she? (family member)
She is their mother.
Who is he? (family member)
He is their father.
Who are they?
They are Ginger and Buddy.
Where is the boy?
The boy is behind the chair.
How many blue pens are there?
There are five blue pens. (5)
Where is the apple?
It's between the boxes.
What's this? (color+object)
It's a blue sofa.
What part of the house is this?
It's the dining room.
What's this? (color+object)
It's a brown book.
What's this? (color+object)
It's a gray/silver refrigerator.
What part of the house is this?
It's the bathroom.
What's this? (color+object)
It's a white window.
What part of the house is this?
It's the living room.
Where is the dog?
The dog is under the table.
What's this? (color+object)
It's a blue notebook.
What's this? (color+object)
It's a gray rug.
How many pencils are there?
There are eleven pencils. (11)
How many yellow pencils are there?
There are two yellow pencils. (2)
How many green pencils are there?
There are three green pencils. (3)
What's this? (color+object)
It's a black wastebasket.
What part of the house is this?
It's the kitchen.
What's this? (color+object)
It's a pink ruler.
What part of the house is this?
It's the bedroom.
What's this? (color+object)
It's a white eraser.
Where is the ball?
The ball is on the table.
What's this? (color+object)
It's a white air conditioner.
How many pencils are there?
There are fifteen pencils. (15)