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Do you know this food or drinks?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's your favorite drink?
I love it ! ?
What's your favorite food?
That's awesome
I am dark pink. I am a berry. My brother is blackberry. What am I?
I am have so many vitamin C. I am black and small. I am getting ready at summers end. What am I?
Black currants
I am green. I am small. I have a lot of brothers. What am i?
I am clear. You can drink me. I am in you about 70 %. What am I?
I am froc cocoa beans. I am an egg, but inside me is a yellow egg. What am I?
Kinder Surprise
I am with rice, salmon and cucumber. What am I?
filadephias sushi.
I am brown. You can eat me with pancakes or bread. What am I?
I am popular in USA. My brothers are sprite and fanta. What am I?
Everybody love me! They are always eating me at summer! What am I?
Ice cream
I am yellow long and I am from Italy. What am I?