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Facts about Parental Leave

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Japan offers one of the most generous paternity-leave packages in the world (a full year).
Facebook offers 2 weeks of Paternity Leave to its employees.
False! 17
Maternity leave has been a practice around the world since the World War II.
False! Maternity leave has been a practice as early as the 1800s
In Norway, mothers can take 9 weeks of maternity leave at full pay
False! 49 weeks!
New parents in Sweden are entitled to 480 days of leave at 80% of their normal pay. That's on top of the 18 weeks reserved just for mothers, after which the parents can split up the time however they choose.
Starting in 2021, Finland will give all parents leave, regardless of their gender or whether they are a child's biological parents.
Researchers suggest that babies who are breastfed for the first three months have more cognitive development than those babies who are fed formula.
Right from the birth to toilet training, a baby uses up an average of 80 diapers.
False! 8,000 diapers.
Babies deprive their parents of approximately 4 days of sleep only in the first year.
False! 44 days.
There is no national law guaranteeing paid parental leave for either moms or dads in the USA.