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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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So you bought a car, ______?
didn't you?
did you?
have you?
had you?
Nobody called, ________
did they?
were they?
was he?
are they?
we?/out/take/We can/tomorrow/the trash/ , can’t
We can take out the trash tomorrow, can't we?
you/ bring/to/the birthday cake/You will/, won't/the party/?
You will bring the birthday cake to the party, won't you?
to borrow/I am/able/that book/you/from/I/aren’t?
I am able to borrow that book from you, aren't I?
She was happy to get an ice cream, ________?
wasn't she
The waves were angry, _________? Crashing on the boat.
weren't we
She has always appreciated nature, ________?
hasn't she
aren't she
has she
We will take the HSR to Taipei, ______?
won't we
will we
are we
would we
The movie is finished, _______?
isn't it
Next time we shall invite June to come with us, _______?
shall we
Waves can be dangerous and scary, _______? Especially on stormy days.
can't they
Those _____ your dirty socks on the floor, _____ they?
were/ weren't
had/ hadn't
We had a great time, ______? That day we cycled to the sea.
didn't we
don't we
do we
were we
She looks great, ______ she?