Edit Game
Present Continuous or Present Simple

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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 They _____ a new car today. (buy)
are buying
What kind of pictures ___ you usually ___? (draw)
What kind of pictures do you usually draw?
What kind of picture ___ you ___ on this paper? (draw)
What kind of picture are you drawing...?
I ____ a race today. It's tomorrow. (negative)
am not running
He ____ a taxi this week. It's next week. (negative)
isn't driving
She usually ____ salsa at the weekend. (negative)
doesn't dance
___ you usually ___ hockey on Friday? (play)
Do you usually play hocky on Friday?
___ you ___ hockey  this week?
Are you playing hockey this week?
___ you ____ for your keys again?
Are you looking for...?
Listen! Gina ____ in the shower.
is singing
Gina always ____ in the shower
Lisa ____ in the sea now.
is swimming
Lisa hardly ever  ____ in the sea.
Lisa hardly ever  swims in the sea.
The baby next door _____  again! (cry)
is crying
The baby next door always _____  ! (cry)
Listen! The couple next door ____ again! (argue)
are arguing
Our neighbours ____ parties every weekend.
The couple next door often ____! (argue)
This dog _____ all day and all night!
is barking
This neighbour's dog always ___! (bark)