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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If she goes to school late, _________________
her teacher will be angry.
If it snows today, ____________(we)
we will make a snowman.
If Tom wins the lottery, ______________.
he will buy a car.
If he doesn't brush his teeth, _____________
he will have a toothache.
(we)____________we will not visit Paris.
If we don't save enough money
(The baby)_____________if you don't play with him.
The baby will cry
____________he will see your dentist soon.
If he doesn't brush his teeth
If you don't keep yourself warm, ____________.
you will be sick / ill.
_________________if he doesn't get up early.
He will be late
He will see his dentist soon _______________.
if he eats too many / a lot of candies (sweets)
____________, she will get a bad mark.
If she doesn't study hard / do her homework
___________, you will get fat.
If you eat (a lot of / too much) fast food / junk food
If you look at a mirror at midnight, __________(you).
you will see a ghost (ghosts).
If you eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, ____________(you)
you will be healthy / strong
___________, I will stay at home.
If it rains
If Nam keeps driving so fast, ____________(he)
he will have an accident.
If it is sunny, ____________(I)
I will go to the beach