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Simple Present Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My co-worker DON'T/ DOESN'T / ISN'T work in the same room as me.
My co-worker DOESN'T work in the same room as me.
My friends and I DON'T / DOESN'T / AREN'T take the bus to school.
My friends and I DON'T take the bus to school.
My father DON'T / DOESN'T / ISN'T buy meat at that supermarket.
My father DOESN'T buy meat at that supermarket.
I DON'T / DOESN'T / AM NOT watch horror movies at night.
I DON'T watch horror movies at night.
DO / DOES your boss CALL / CALLS you on weekends?
DOES your boss CALL you on weekends?
DO / DOES your neighbors HAVE / HAS a goat?
DO your neighbors HAVE a goat?
DO / DOES your family WATCH / WATCHES the news?
DOES your family WATCH the news?
DO / DOES this drugstore sell candies?
DOES this drugstore sell candies?
My dog SLEEP / SLEEPS on the sofa at night.
My dog SLEEPS on the sofa at night.
John and Joshua LIVE / LIVES in Australia.
John and Joshua LIVE in Australia.
We EAT / EATS barbecue on Sundays.
We EAT barbecue on Sundays.
My grandma always DRINK / DRINKS coffee in the morning.
My grandma always DRINKS coffee in the morning.
I GET / GETS up at 7 AM on weekdays.
I GET up at 7 AM on weekdays.
____ ? Sam studies at the university.
Where does Sam study?
____ ? My friends study on weekends.
When do your friends study?
___ ? Rachel WALKS TO SCHOOL.
How does Rachel go to school?
___ ? My father works IN AN OFFICE.
Where does your father work?
___ ? Yes, she does. My friend speaks SPANISH.
Does your friend speak Spanish?
____ ? She has lunch AT 11 PM.
What time does she have lunch?
____ ? They play THE PIANO.
What do they play?
_____ ? I watch TV IN THE LIVING ROOM.
Where do you watch TV?
____ ? She plays tennis.
What does she play?