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Where was Rasputin's body found?
Under a river of ice
Prince Felix Yusupov tried to kill him by doing what?
poisoning his drink
How did he eventually die?
Gun shot
In 1914 a woman tried to kill him, how?
By stabbing him in the stomach
The prime minister and the secret police of Russia tried to kill him, true or false?
False, they wanted to exile him, but couldn't
In 1907, the local clergy in Pokrovskoye denounced Rasputin for...
Heresy / Spreading false information
What was Rasputin accused of?
Heresy and rape
Why was Rasputin so powerful in Russia?
Because the royal family gave him status
Who was Alexei?
The emperor of russia's son who he so called healed
What powers did certain people believe he had?
he could heal people
Who was Praskovya Dubrovina?
His ex wife (mother of his children)
His parents were ....
Siberian peasants
In 1903 which part of Russia did he travel to?
St. Petersburg
How many surviving children did he have?
When did he die?
Which year was he born?