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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Gdzie byłeś w piatek rano?
Where were you on Friday morning?
Czy byłaś w szkole w taktym tygodniu?
Were you at school last week?
Czy bylas wczoraj w domu Toma?
Were you at Tom's house yesterday?
Czy twoj tata jest teraz w pracy?
Is your dad at work now?
Ty jesteÅ› w domu.
You are at home.
Jestem teraz w szkole.
I'm at school now.
Moja ciocia byla w pracy dwa dni temu.
My aunt was at work two days ago.
Czy ja bylam w kinie w tamtym roku?
Was I at the cinema last year?
Gdzie byla twoja mama wczoraj?
Where was your mum yesterday?
Lucy i Mike byli w domu w tamtym miesiacu.
Lucy i Mike were at home last month.
Moja kuzynka byla w kinie dwa lata temu.
My cousin was at the cinema two years ago
Gdzie byles wczoraj wieczorem?
Where were you yesterday evening?
Tom byl w szkole w ostatni piÄ…tek
Tom was at school last Friday
Bylam w domu wczoraj
I was at home yesterday