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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They __________be late because there is a lot of traffic.
They are going to be late because there is a lot of traffic.
It’s almost three o’clock. _______ we ________________ leave for the airport soon?
It’s almost three o’clock. Are we going to leave for the airport soon?
Look at those dark clouds! I think it ________________ rain soon.
Look at those dark clouds! I think it is going to rain soon.
My cousin doesn’t like her boss. She ________________ look for a new job.
My cousin doesn’t like her boss. She is going to look for a new job.
I’m tired, so I ________________ sleep early.
I'm tired, so I am going to sleep early.
We __________ surf today because the weather is bad.
We aren't going to surf today because the weather is bad.
What _______ you _______________ buy for your sister’s birthday present?
What are you going to buy for your sister’s birthday present?
My classmates and I ________________ have a test next Monday. We have to study!
My classmates and I are going to have a test next Monday. We have to study!
Where _______ they _______________ stay when they visit Paris?
Where are they going to stay when they visit Paris?
_______ you ________________ watch TV tonight?
Are you going to watch TV tonight?
We’re too busy, so we ________________ have lunch.
We’re too busy, so we aren't going to have lunch.
_______ you ________________ do your homework?
Are you going to do your homework?
Bob and Cathy ________________ see a movie tonight. It starts at seven o’clock.
Bob and Cathy are going to see a movie tonight. It starts at seven o’clock.
Alex ________________ work today because he is sick.
Alex isn't going to work today because he is sick.
_______ your brother ________________ travel next week?
Is your brother going to travel next week?
I __________ meet my friends after class. Would you like to join us?
I am going to meet my friends after class. Would you like to join us?