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E5 - week 9, week 10

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are _____ any potatoes? No, t_____ a___'_.
Are there any potatoes? No, there aren't.
Are _____ any eggs? No, t_____ a___'_.
Are there any eggs? No, there aren't.
Are there any ...? 1. mangoes? 2. tomatoes? 3. bread? 4. chicken? 5. eggs? What numbers are wrong?
3. bread and 4. chicken. Is there any bread? Is there any chicken?
Is there any ...? 1. bread? 2. apples? 3. chicken? 4. ice cream? 5. tomatoes? What numbers are wrong?
2. apples and 5. tomatoes Are there any apples? Are there any tomatoes?
Can you unscramble: we / noodles, / have / please / some / May / ?
May we have some noodles, please?
Can you unscramble: I / have / chips, / May / some / please?
May I have some chips, please?
Can you unscramble: ice cream, / we / please? / have / May / some
May we have some ice cream, please?
Can you unscramble: some / we / May / milk, / have / please?
May we have some milk, please?
Can you unscramble: have / cheese, / I / please? / May / some
May I have some cheese, please?
May I h___ some n______, please?
May I have some noodles, please?
May we h___ some i__ c____, please?
May we have some ice cream, please?
May we h___ some c____, please?
May we have some chips, please?
May I h___ some c___, please?
May I have some corn, please?
M__ I h___ s___ chips, p_____? Sorry. _ d__'t h___ a__.
May I have some chips, please? Sorry. I don't have any chips.
Can you unscramble: don't nuts. like I
I don't like nuts.
Can you unscramble: yogurt like for breakfast. I
I like yogurt for breakfast.
Can you unscramble: cheese. favorite is snack My
My favorite snack is cheese.
Can you unscramble: I after chips eat school.
I eat chips after school.
Can you unscramble: any Are eggs there?
Are there any eggs?
A___ t_____ any carrots? No, there ______ any carrots.
Are there any carrots? No, there aren't any carrots.
__ ______ any milk? Yes, there is.
Is there any milk? Yes, there is.
Is _____ any bread? Yes, ______ ______.
Is there any bread? Yes, there is.
Are _____ any noodles? No, t______ a___'_.
Are there any noodles? No, there aren't.
Are there any beans?
Yes, there are.
What is it?
It's meat.
What is it?
It's bread.