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The Ultimate Minecraft Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In which country do they let you play Minecraft in school?
What real-life animal was recorded to make the sound effects of the Ghasts?
a cat
Which of these YouTuber's play Minecraft?
All of the them
What vegetable can you use to make a potion of night vision?
golden carrot
Pigs drop pork chops and skeletons drop bones. What do zombies drop?
rotting flesh
Which mob do you fight at the end of the game?
the Ender Dragon
What ore can you build complicated machines with?
How many people play Minecraft every month?
55 million+
6 million
15 million
What can you use rotting flesh for?
to heal wolves
How tall is a Ghast (not including the tentacles)?
4 blocks
How do you make obsidian?
mix water and lava
Who is the Endermen's leader?
Ender Dragon
Which of these consoles can you play Minecraft on?
All of them
computer versions (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux)
Xbox / Xbox One
How is a Charged Creeper created?
When lightning strikes within four blocks of a creeper.
What can you wear to stop an Enderman attacking you?
a pumpkin
What are Creepers scared of?
How many blocks of iron ore does it take to make one iron ingot?
How do you make a large chest?
Put 2 chests next to each other.
Endermen can be damaged in several ways. Which of the following has been made up?
rolled up newspaper
melee attacks
splash water bottles