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entertainment hobbies

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this girl doing?
She is using her phone. She is listening to music.
What is this? Where can you find them?
Advertisements. In posters, online. Before youtube videos
How does Brandon earn money? What does he do online?
Designs attractive worlds
In this type of games you play AGAINST other team
Who does Brandon work with?
Florian, his german friend
Brandom left school to work on his own business (TRUE / FALSE)
Brandom earned a lot of money when he was a teenager (true -false)
you can play it alone or in big teams. You have fun and sometimes win.
video games
Sometimes it can be boring, sometimes it can be interesting. You do it at school but you should do it at home too.
Reading a book
you can go with your family, with your friends or alone. You are sitting down for about 1:40 min.
It requires equipment and it is riky.
what activity does this image refer to?
He/she writes and shares ideas online. (Kareem, jake, Amaya)
you can do it inside or outside, you can become a member of a club if you want. You need special equipment
you can do it in the park and with friends. It is really exciting
If you don't know what hobby to take, you should...
try out new things
This activity involves writing online
Writing a blog / blogging