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Matter Unit Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the atomic mass of this atom?
9 (protons plus neutrons)
Homogeneous means the mixture is (uniform or not uniform)
uniform (same throughout)
Why is the atoms charge neutral as a whole?
they have the same number of protons and electrons
The smallest piece of matter is?
element, compound, or mixture?
element, compound, or mixture?
A substance made up of two or more chemically combined elements is —
Atomic Mass comes from which 2 subatomic particles?
protons and neutrons
Most of the elements on the periodic table are classified as _____. (metals, nonmetals, or metalloids)
The volume of water in a beaker was 215 mL. After 5 days, the volume of the water was 200 mL. What best explains the change in volume?
Some of the water evaporated and escaped into the air as water vapor.
What is the right part of a chemical equation called... 2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O
How many elements are in C6H12O6?
How many aluminum atoms are in Al2(SO4)3?
Is the following equation balanced? 4Fe + 3O2 --> 2Fe2O3
If reaction starts with 20g of reactants how much will the products weigh?
What is the atomic number of this Carbon atom?
What type of charge does a neutron have?
What type of charge does a proton have?
A characteristic of matter that can only be observed when matter is changed into a new kind of matter is a __________ property
A characteristic of matter that can be observed with your 5 senses is a ____________ property
Elements in the same ________ are more chemically similar.
In a neutral atom, which subatomic particles are always equal?
protons and electrons
How is the periodic table arranged?
By atomic number and groups of elements with similar properties
A students combines two liquids and notices a solid is being formed. What is another name for that solid?
What side of the periodic table do you find the nonmetals?
Is this equation balanced? NaCl + F2 --> NaF + Cl2
What do elements in the same group have in common?
same number of valence electrons, same properties
Which elements in the periodic table are less likely to combine with other elements?
noble gases
How many electrons does phosphorus have?
In a chemical reaction, the mass of the __________ equals the mass of the _____________.
reactants; products
How do I know if an equation is balanced?
number of atoms on each side are equal.
What does the Law of Conservation of Mass state?
Matter can not be created or destroyed it can only change forms
Name the product(s) in this reaction. Na (sodium) + Cl (chloine) --> NaCl (table salt)
NaCl (table salt)
Change in shape is a ____________ change
Chopping Onions is a _____________ change.
Iron rusting is an example of a ____________ change
When a property of a substance changes but not it’s identity, it’s called a ______________________
Physical Change
Cooking a cheeseburger is an example of what kind of change?
Tearing paper is an example of what kind of change?
Physical Change
What are the 2 parts of a chemical reaction?
Reactants and Products
What is an example of a heterogeneous mixture?
pizza, salad, trail mix
Name 3 evidences of a chemical change.
formation of light, gas, heat, color change, odor precipitate,
What is an example of a pure substance?
any element or compound
In a chemical reaction, if there are 6 carbon atoms on one side of a chemical equation, how many are on the other side of the chemical equation.
What group on the periodic table is the most reactive?
Alkali Metals
What are 4 properties of metals?
Ductile, Malleable, Good Conductor, Luster (shiny).
These columns are called what?
What do elements in the same period have in common?
the same number of orbitals
These rows are called what?
Element, compound or mixture?
Element, compound or mixture?
Element, compound or mixture?