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Family vocabulary and idioms

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have a close-knit family
United family
This generation has a  sheltered/middle-class upbringing
Privileged childhood/education
My brother is a helicopter father
An over-protective parent
Lilly fixed me up with her cousin
Introduced us (shipped us)
I have a soft spot for my student Bob
Bob is dear to me, important
Julie and Gigi live in each other's pockets
They are really close, spending all their time together.
We get on like the house on fire
We get on really well
Gemma is the spitting image of her aunt
Gemma looks exactly like her aunt
Impunctuality runs in the family
It's something very common in the family. Good or bad.
I had a long-distance relationship. It lasted 2 weeks
I was in Barcelona, he was in Berlin
My husband and I share the same values
We share the same philosophy
Earnest cheated on Nellie
Having an affair with another person
After 4 boyfriends, Helen settled down.
Begin a quiet, steady life
I keep in touch with my cousin Anna, but I lost touch with her brother
Contact/no contact
Jo and Mary stick together through thick and thin.
They stay together and help each other, even when there are difficulties or problems.
My family gets together on Birthdays and Christmas day/ My family have get-togethers on Birthdays and Christmas day.
I look down on my neighbour Isa, she's narcissistic.
I don't respect her, I don't want to be like her.
I look up to my friend Laura, she's very proactive
I admire her and want to be like her.
I get on/along with my team
We have a good relationship.
Christopher and Andrew split up
They broke up. They finished their relationship.
Oscar and Will have fallen out/ Oscar and Will had a falling out.
They had a fight leading to a separation (used with friends/family)
 I take after my dad
We look alike/ We are alike (used with appearance/personality)