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Adjectives to describe cities?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which adjectives would you use to describe Venice?
Beautiful, unique
Which adjectives would you use to describe Quito?
High, hot
Which adjectives would you use to describe Las Vegas?
Artificial, fun
Which adjectives would you use to describe Barcelona?
Beautiful, touristy
Which adjectives would you use to describe Reykjavik?
Cold, small
Which adjectives would you use to describe Paris?
Crowded, beautiful
Which adjectives would you use to describe San Sebastian?
Beautiful, relaxing
Which adjectives would you use to describe Sydney?
Modern, hot
Which adjectives would you use to describe Cape Town?
Beautiful, mountainous
Which adjectives would you use to describe Mumbai?
Historic, crowded
Which adjectives would you use to describe Havana?
Beautiful, touristy
Which adjectives would you use to describe Dubai
Modern, hot
Which adjectives would you use to describe Tokyo?
Busy, hectic
Which adjectives would you use to describe Rome?
Historic, beautiful
Which adjectives would you use to describe Rio de Janeiro?
Beautiful, hot, exciting
Which adjectives would you use to describe London?
Historic, busy
Which adjectives would you use to describe New York?
Busy, noisy, touristy
Which adjectives would you use to describe Bilbao
Modern, arty