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Future tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I've got an important exam tomorrow, so I _________ (go) to bed early this evening.
I've got an important exam tomorrow, so I AM GOING TO GO to bed early this evening.
I _________ (help) you carry the luggage.
I WILL HELP you carry the luggage.
It _________(rain)
Ring! Ring! I ________ (answer) the phone
Ring! Ring! I'LL ANSWER the phone.
In August, I __________ (go) to a surfing school in Devon.
In August, I AM GOING to a surfing school in Devon.
This time tomorrow, I ________ (fly) to Morocco.
This time tomorrow, I WILL BE FLYING to Morocco.
My bother __________ (go) away for the weekend with his friends
My brother IS GOING away for the weekend with his friends.
It __________ (not work) the first time, but it __________ (work) if you keep trying.
It MAY/MIGHT NOT WORK the first time, but it WILL WORK if you keep trying.
Please don't ring the doorbell when you get here. My baby ____________ (sleep)
Please don't ring the doorbell when you get here. My baby WILL BE SLEEPING
I _______ (join) a sports club.
I MIGHT/MAY JOIN a sports club.
Our train ________ (leave) at 10.45 A.M.
Our train LEAVES at 10.45 a.m.
The match __________ (start) at 10 a.m. Don't be late!
The match STARTS at 10 a.m. Don't be late!