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-ed / -ing Adjectives

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Liam was su________ that he got good marks for all his exams. It was su____________ because he hadn't studied at all.
surprised/ surprising
I felt very re________ after my re_________ holiday in Hawaii
relaxed/ relaxing
My sister plays loud music all the time.  it's very an_______ and I am always an_____ with her. 
annoying/ annoyed
The ex______________ crowd cheered the singer.  It was a very ex_________ concert
excited / exciting
The team's dis_____________performance led to them losing the game. Their fans were very dis__________
disappointing/ disappointed
My dog is fr_________ of fireworks.  He thinks they are very fr______________. 
frightened / frightening
My dog can do am __________ tricks like riding a skateboard. People are always am________
amazing/ amazed
The trip was exh_____________, with so many things to do. I was exh_________ at the end of it
exhausting / exhausted
She is a really in______________ woman. She's lived all over the world and speaks five languages. I'm always in________ in her stories
interesting / interested
I was bo________ because the film was so bo___________
bored / boring
Pollution levels in many industrial cities are quite wo__________. I'm very wo______ about it
worrying / worried
I'm always em___________ when mum shows people my baby photos.  It's so em__________
embarrassed /embarrasing