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Context Clues

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Every July 4th my family and I like to watch the BLASTOS. The sky looks so beautiful with those colorful explosions. What is BLASTOS?
I need to put on SWARMA before heading out in the summer. My eyes do sting when I put it on but that's better than sunburn. What is SWARMA?
My sister was SENSITIVE and cried during the movie, but I just laughed. What does SENSITIVE mean? What is a context clue?
emotional, antonym
The character in the movie was sometimes GREGARIOUS and quiet sometimes. What does GREGARIOUS mean? What is the context clue?
Loud; antonym
We did not SHIVER outside at night because it was so warm. What does SHIVER mean? What is the context clue
freeze; antonym
Our flight will DEPART from New York and arrive in Florida. What does DEPART mean? What is the context clue?
leave; antonym
I was suprised to see that my baby sister was not a COWARD but brave in the haunted house. What does COWARD mean? What is a context clue?
Not scared; antonym
My younger brother is such a PEST. He is always following me around. What does PEST mean? What is the context clue?
bother; example
My teacher was absent, so she POSTPONED the test and made it tomorrow. What does POSTPONED mean? What's the context clue?
delayed; example
My teacher said I should be proud of my SKILL that I can multiple quickly. What does SKILL mean? What is the context clue?
ability to do something well- example
We ate the apples, bananas, and grapes since they were all EDIBLE.  What does EDIBLE mean? What's the context clue?
able to be eaten; example
B.R.B. is an ABBREVIATION for "be right back." What is an ABBREVIATION? What is the context clue?
a shortened version of a word- example
The baby was WEARY and tired after playing all morning. What does WEARY mean? What is the context clue?
tired- definition
He COAXED and encouraged her to sing, but she still refused. What does COAXED mean? What's the context clue?
attempt to persuade- definition
The girl felt QUEASY, or nauseous, after going on the upside down rollercoaster. What does QUEASY mean? What is the context clue?
nauseous- definition
The boy had a PECULIAR or strange, hobby of collecting spiders. What is PECULIAR? What is the context clue?
Strange; Definition
The DULL painting, which is the one that had little color, did not win the art contest. What is Dull? What is the clue?
Little color; Definition
The art teacher cut the paper with BESTERS. What are BESTERS?
The students rode the yellow TRISTER to school. What does TRISTER mean?
The teacher looked at the BLAH and knew that it was time for lunch....What is a BLAH?