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Common Verb Phrases 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jestem to służbowo i moja firma wypożycza auto dla mnie
I am here on business and my company is renting a car for me
Jesteśmy na wakacjach i wypożyczamy dwa auta
We are on holidays and we are renting two cars
Oni czekajÄ… na samolot
They are waiting for a flight
My właśnie wchodzimy (przybywamy) do hotelu.
We are (just) arriving at the hotel
On niesie jej walizkÄ™.
He is carrying her suitcase
Hej Charles, czy wychodzisz z domu?
Hi Charles, are you leaving the house?
Maria nie pakuje walizki
Maria isn't packing a suitcase.
Gdzie oni sÄ…? Oni kupujÄ… prezenty.
Where are they? They are buying presents
Ona zamawia taksówkę (bierze, jedzie)
She is getting a taxi
Ona ma piękne okulary (ma ubrane, nosi)
She is wearing beautiful glasses
Lubisz zostawać w domu czy wychodzić w piątki?
Do you like staying at home or going out on Fridays?
A: Co robisz? B: RezerwujÄ™ bilety dla nas
What are you doing? I am booking tickets for us.