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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the meaning of self-motivation?
To be able and willing to work without being told what to do.
What's the meaning of foresight?
The ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future.
What's the meaning of resilience?
The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
What is the meaning of ambition?
A desire and determination to achieve success.
What is the meaning of seize an apportunity?
To take advantage of an opportunity.
What does it mean to compromise?
To agree to give up something you want.
What does it mean to have an ability to delegate?
To be able to assign authority to another person (normally from a manager to a subordinate) to carry out specific activities.
What does it mean to have a competitive spirit?
To be eager to be more successful than other people.
What does it mean to have team spirit?
To have feelings of camaraderie among the members of a group, enabling them to cooperate and work well together.
What does it mean to be sensitive?
To be understanding and aware of other people's feelings and emotions.
What does it mean to have a positive image?
People think highly of you.
What does it mean to have a supportive family?
To have a family who provides sympathy and encouragement.
What is the meaning of relevant experience?
Professional work experience that makes you eligible for a specific job.
What does it mean to be an A-student?
Someone who regularly gets the best mark.
What is a well-rounded education?
A varied, wellbalanced and fully developed education.
What does it mean to have influential acquaintances?
To be well connected.
What is financial backing?
Financial resources provided to make some project possible.
What is social background?
The individuals' parents' occupations.