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Passive voice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The office (clean) _______ every morning.
is cleaned
The mirror (break) _______ by the boy yesterday.
was broken
The film (direct) _______ by James Cameron in 2007.
was directed
The light bulb (invent) _______ by Edison.
was invented
The Sistine Chapel (paint) _______ by Michenlangelo.
was painted
The most (visit) _______ monument is this one.
The Titanic (build) _______ in Europe.
was built
Now Polar bears (find) _______ in Alaska.
were found / have been found
Tofu _______ of soya milk.
is made
Golf _______ first _______(play) in Scotland.
was (first) played
The blue jeans (invent) _______ by Levi Strauss.
were invented
Russian (speak) _______ in the meeting.
was spoken
Bridges _______ by the Roman in the past.
were built
The first iPad (sell) _______ in 2010.
was sold
Paella (eat) _______ in my family every Sunday.
is eaten
Romeo and Juliet (write) by Shakespeare.
was written
The Statue of Liberty (give) _______ to the USA by the French in 1886.
was given
Footbal (play) _______ all over the world now.
is played