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FCE Use of English Part 2

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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So perhaps we are really all _____ more romantic than we like to admit.
There are more and _____ e-cards _____ sent each year for Valentine’s
more; being
In various surveys and questionnaires _____ majority of people say that they do not believe in celebrating Valentine’s Day _____ the reality is that sales of flowers and other gifts goes up.
the, but
The most typical tradition is to send a card or give flowers _____ chocolates to the person you are in a romantic relationship _____ .
or; with
However, whatever the origins, it seems that now there are many different customs and traditions _____  have been practised for hundreds of years
The origins of Valentine’s Day are _____ clear and there are different versions of who the original Saint Valentine _____ .
not; was
After Christmas, Valentine's Day is the day of the year _____ the second _____  amount of money is spent on cards and presents.
when; biggest
In fact, once Christmas and New Year _____ over it is the next big date on the calendar for shops and restaurants to take advantage _____ .
are; of
Even if you have no idea _____ it is (February 14th!) the shops are sure to remind _____ weeks in advance. 
when; you
It is impossible_____ escape Valentine’s Day these days.
You can hear classical music, jazz bands, rock groups, pop bands, folk music and singer-songwriters all in ____ same place, and all for free.
Each year, whole towns ____ turned into huge outdoor concerts.
The best thing ____ the festival is that musicians are encouraged ____ perform outside the usual music venues and concert halls.
about; to
Today the event is celebrated in cities ____ far apart as Potsdam and Osaka, New York and Sydney.
It ____ extremely popular, particularly ____ all the events were free.
because/since/as; was
The main idea behind the festival is that music is ____ great way to bring people together regardless ____ their nationality, ethnic and cultural background or age.
a; of
He suggested ____ all-night music festival ____ celebrate the summer solstice.
an; to
____ American musician, Joel Cohen, who was working for a French radio station, first came up ____ the idea for a music festival that everyone could enjoy
An, with
It has quickly spread ____ the globe and is now celebrated ____ 21st June in over 120 countries. 
across; on
The idea ____ World Music Day or Fete de la Musique began in France ____  the 1980s
of; in
As a result _____ is common for old people to fall asleep during the day.
As people grow older, changes to body’s rhythm and health problems might make it more difficult for _____ to sleep _____ the night.
them; through
The elderly need _____ much sleep as when they _____ younger.
as; were
One reason _____ this is because _____ the effect sleep has on our immune system.
for; of
Research suggests that people _____ sleep between 6 to 7 hours per night are likely to live longer _____ those who sleep less than 6 or more than 8 hours per night.
who/that; than
Getting enough sleep also _____  an impact _____ your overall health.
has; on
Getting the right amount _____  sleep is important to be able _____ function properly on a day to day basis.
of; to
Typical symptoms _____ a lack of sleep _____ low concentration, poor memory and feeling irritable.
of; are
If you suffer _____ sleepiness or dysfunction during _____ , day then you are probably not getting enough sleep when you most need it.
from; the
What is particularly important is that this sleep happens _____ the right time.
_____ is widely believed that between 6-8 hours sleep _____ healthy.
It; is
How much sleep _____ we really need?
Miniature pigs are better _____  medical research _____  normal breeds of pigs
for; than
Scientists have used miniature pigs in all sorts _____   studies including organ transplantation.
Minature pigs were develped by scientists in ____ 1980's. Since _____  the animals have become popular pets
the; then
Miniature pigs _____  first developed for medical research in Europe, before being introduced ____ pets in the USA in the 1980s.
were; as
They need outdoor space though and regular exercise so are _____  ideal for families living in small flats
_____  popular belief, pigs are clean animals and do not smell.
They are easy _____  toilet train and once you have bonded with _____,  they are very loving.
to; them
According _____  breeder Jane Croft they make fantastic pets _____   they are very low maintenance and don’t make much noise.
to; because/as/since
Micro pigs could _____  the new pet for the family _____   has everything.
be; that/which
Miniature dogs that fit _____  your handbag have been popular _____  a long time.
in, for
However, as a regular first class traveller he acknowledges that _____  they do get it right, first class travel can be a truly wonderful experience.
In addition staff _____ be far from courteous.
At least the economy traveller has _____  choice of what they buy from the trolley or buffet service.
Complimentary food and drink is often very disappointing and not quite _____  ‘unlimited’ as advertised. A
Most trains and planes can guarantee more space in first class _____  airlines and train services are sometimes unable to meet _____ expectations of their first class passengers.
but; the
Unfortunately though it seems we are not always getting _____  money’s worth.
The difference can only _____  in the comfort and service we receive, _____   will make our journey more pleasant.
be; which
We are _____  going to reach our destination any quicker by travelling in first class rather ____ in economy.
not; than
If we pay more _____   twice as much as standard class passengers, we expect _____  receive impeccable service.
than; to
For the majority,  _____  is because they want more space,  and above all to be treated _____   royalty.
it; like
This also means there are fewer jobs available in industries _____  as mining.
Often the cost of collection and transportation is greater _____  the cost of the energy saved. I
In theory recycling seems obvious: however in practice it is _____  always cost-effective. O
Recycling points _____   glass, paper etc. can be taken to are now common sights in _____  major towns and cities
for; most/all
It is now typical to separate household waste into materials _____  can and can’t be recycled.
ome plastics, metals and textiles _____  also be recycled as well as some electronic equipment. I
The _____ common materials which are recycled are paper and glass. 
he idea of recycling is _____  prevent waste and reduce the consumption of new fresh raw materials.
However, ___ to energy costs since the 1970s it has become more_____  a necessity and is now common practice.
due; than
It is not a new concept: people _____  been recycling for hundreds of years.
Recycling involves taking used materials and turning them _____  new products.
The Pecha ‘ Kucha format is now being used in ______ types of settings including business and academia.
This means the whole presentation lasts exactly 6 minutes ______ 40 seconds. ______ you start with the first slide there is no stopping and no going back.
and; when/once
They came up with something called Pecha Kucha; a presentation format ______ permits only 20 slides and only 20 seconds to talk about ______  one. 
that/which; each
They realised they needed to limit the length of presentations and make them ______ concise. 
They wanted to increase ____ numbers of presenters talking ______ events and raise audience attention.
the; at
In Japan in 2003 Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham ______  looking for a better way for ambitious young architects to do ______ presentations easily.
was; their
Do you get very stressed about your exams? Well, don’t worry, ______  is a solution.
Do you find ______  hard to stay awake when confronted with slide after slide and ______ hour-long talk?
it; an
Do you find the idea ______  sitting through yet another slide show presentation fills you with dread?
______  a result they have now set up an alternative route ______ cars with luggage on the roof.
as;  for
Keepers at the safari park said the monkeys had broken into ______  than ten roof cases ______  the beginning of the summer holidays.
more; at
One young monkey ______ seen holding onto a child’s teddy, ______ frightened him a lot.
was; which
One family said they knew they couldn’t get out of the car and so could only watch in horror ______ the monkeys ran ______  with all their holiday clothes.
as; away
They even seem to ______ working together in groups to do it.
The animals appear to have worked out a way ______ unlocking the cases by jumping on them.
Be careful of the monkeys because they ______ likely to open bags and steal the contents. 
Do not enter the monkey enclosure ______ you have a roof case on your car.
Visitors to Hampton safari park ______ been warned not to enter the monkey enclosure.