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Grammar Sentence Race - Comparatives

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's up to you! Choose a pair of words to compare
movies, animals,  famous people...
It's up to you! Choose a pair of words to compare
movies, animals,  famous people...
bicycles / cars
Cars are faster than bicycles.
math / English
Math is harder than English.
sharks / tigers
Tigers are deadlier/more deadly than sharks.
August / January
January is drier than August.
coffee / milk
Coffee is darker than milk.
Asia / Europe
Asia is larger than Europe.
television / YouTube
Youtube has better quality content than the television.
the moon / the sun
The sun is much hotter than the moon.
cats/ dogs
Some dogs are heavier than cats.
books / iPads
Books are cheaper than iPads.
flowers / trees
In a forest, there are more trees than flowers.
breakfast / dinner
I eat healthier food for breakfast than for dinner.
teachers / students
Students take more tests than teachers.
weekdays / weekends
Weekends are better than weekdays, because I get to rest.
baseball / golf
A golf course is much bigger than a baseball stadium/field.
Spain / Thailand
The night life in Spain is better than in Thailand.
trains / airplanes
Airplanes can take longer to get to your destination than trains (because of the delays).
taxis / buses
Taxis are more expensive than buses (but they are faster).
rain / snow
Snow is colder than rain.