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Would You Rather?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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WOULD YOU RATHER always wear scuba flippers OR always wear a snorkel and mask?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER burn your tongue every time you eat pizza OR never eat pizza again?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER be somebody's pet dog OR their pet cat?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER not be able to feel pain OR not be able to feel fear?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER wear a bicycle helmet everywhere you go OR carry an open umbrella everywhere you go?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER go back in time 1 million years OR go into the future 1 million years?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER have eyes the size of golf balls OR teeth the size of computer keys?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER drink a cup of smelly pond water OR a cup of fresh toilet water?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER have a head twice the normal size OR a head half the normal size?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER be the first person to land on Mars OR be the first person to live on the moon?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER stay back one year in school OR have no summer vacation for 4 years in a row?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER be known as a thief OR known as a liar?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER eat a bowl of worms OR drink a snail milkshake?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER be able to fly OR be able to become invisible?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER have to sing everything you say OR have to shout everything you say?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER have no arms OR no legs?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER have 5 younger sisters OR 5 older brothers?
I would rather... because...
WOULD YOU RATHER drink a glass of 6-month-old milk OR eat a bag of French fries that were found on the groud?
I would rather... because...