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Sentence Structure: Conjoined Sentences

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is going on in this picture?
The chef is reading the recipe and he is burning the food.
What is going on in this picture?
Taylor is making eggs and she is playing soccer.
What is going on in this picture?
The man is riding a bike and he is moving a couch.
What is going on in this picture?
The man is riding a unicycle and he is juggling.
What is going on in this picture?
The snowman is skating and he is eating ice cream.
What is going on in this picture?
The woman is petting the dog and she is listening to music.
What is going on in this picture?
Squidward is laying down and he is listening to music.
What is going on in this picture?
The monkey is eating cake and sleeping in the tree.
What is going on in this picture?
The man is playing guitar and he is singing a song.
What is going on in this picture?
The boy is playing the piano and he is talking to his friends.
What is going on in this picture?
The woman is eating a sandwich and she is typing on her computer.
What is going on in this picture?
The man is carrying wood and he is holding a paint brush.
What is going on in this picture?
The mom and the boy are making a salad and they are playing with the vegetables.
What is going on in this picture?
The girl is wearing a necklace and she is playing with a block.
What is going on in this picture?
The boy is listening to music and he is playing on his phone.
What is going on in this picture?
The woman is calling her partner and she is writing a note.