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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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housework / family / do / usually / My / weekend / at / the
My family usually do housework at the weekend.
before / cleans / studying / My sister / her / rarely / room
My sister rarely cleans her room before studying.
do / at the weekend / my Grandpa and I / often/ gardening
My Grandpa and I often do gardening at the weekend.
usually / in the morning / Tom / does homework
Tom usually does homework in the morning.
your sister / eat breakfast / at home ? ( usually)
Does your sister usually eat breakfast at home ?
How often do you make your bed ? ( always)
I always make my bed.
How often does your brother watch films? ( sometimes)
My brother somtimes watch films.
How often does your father walk the dog ?( usually)
He usually walks the dog.
How often do you play chess ?( sometimes)
I sometimes play chess.
I / be / late / for school . ( never)
I am never late for school.
you / do / housework (often) ?
Do you often do housework ?
Nam / not / play football / after school ( usually)
Nam doesn't always play football after shool
My sister / read book / before going to bed. ( usually)
My sister usually reads book before going to bed.
My Dad / cook / dinner . ( never)
My Dad never cooks dinner.
I / walk / the dog in the evening. ( always)
I always walk the dog in the evening.