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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sometimes, you can tell more from a person's b __ language than what they say.
Sometimes, you can tell more from a person's body language than what they say.
Despite the language ________ , we made lots of friends in China.
Despite the language _______ , we made lots of friends in China.
The radio programme was too long, and they spoke too quickly. I couldn't _____ it.
The radio programme was too long, and they spoke too quickly. I couldn't follow it.
There are lots of different … in the UK. People speak the same language in different ways.
There are lots of different dialects in the UK. People speak the same language in different ways.
My f____ language is Spanish. My mother is from Spain, and that's where I grew up.
My first language is Spanish. My mother is from Spain, and that's where I grew up.
When Gyula speaks English, he still has a very dialect / strong Hungarian accent.
When Gyula speaks English, he still has a very strong Hungarian accent.
I'll never speak French like a first /native speaker, but I'd like to get better.
I'll never speak French like a native speaker, but I'd like to get better.
It's difficult to accent I pronounce words in Welsh. The sounds are very different to English.
It's difficult to pronounce words in Welsh. The sounds are very different to English.
The man thought I wanted apples, not oranges. It was a complete communication barrier l breakdown.
The man thought I wanted apples, not oranges. It was a complete communication breakdown.
I only know a few words in Spanish. It's not enough to make / follow myself understood.
I only know a few words in Spanish. It's not enough to make myself understood.
When I was younger, I could only communicate in broken /incomprehensible English.
When I was younger, I could only communicate in broken English.