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Name 3 Irish quidditch teams in real life
Any 3 of: the Cork Craickens, the Dublin Draíochta Dragons, the Galway Grindylows, the Mid-Leinster Moontrimmers, the Northern Wyverns
In 2019, Dublin hosted which cup?
The Irish Quidditch Cup
In the Quidditch World Cup Final, what were Ireland's mascots?
In Harry Potter, did Ireland catch the golden snitch in the World Cup Final?
No, Bulgaria's Viktor Krum caught the snitch
In Harry Potter, who did Ireland beat to win the Quidditch World Cup?
In real life, do the players play quidditch with brooms?
Yes, they play with brooms between their legs
True or false: quidditch is played in real life
What position did Harry play?
What does a beater do and how many beaters are there?
2; they bat the bludgers away from their teammates and towards their opponents
How many chasers are there on each team?
How many points does a team get if they catch the golden snitch?
How many players are there on each team?
How many ring-shaped goals are there on each side of the pitch?
What shape is the pitch?
Quidditch is featured in which book series?
Harry Potter
Which author invented quidditch?
J.K. Rowling