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Complex Sentences

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Create a complex sentence with the subordinating conjunction "Until"
I played outside until my parents came home.
Create a complex sentence with the subordinating conjunction "while"
While I played guitar, the audience was singing.
This sentence starts with a dependent clause. "If you play fair, your team will respect you."
Create a complex sentence with the subordinating conjunction "unless"
I don't like eating pizza unless it's plain.
Start a complex sentence with the subordinating conjunction "Before".
Before we left, we made sure everything was clean.
"I bought a shirt" is an independent clause.
"If you come early" is an independent clause.
False. It's a dependent clause.
This complex sentence is grammatically correct. "After I finished the meeting I went to the club."
False. It's missing a comma.
How do dependent clauses start in a complex sentence?
With a subordinating conjunction
What are dependent clauses?
Sentences that cannot stand (don't make sense) on their own.
What is an independent clause?
A clause which can stand on its own in a sentence.
"Finally at home" is a clause. True/False? Why?
False. It doesn't contain a verb.
Give an example of a phrase.
Any sentence without a verb. "this morning"
"I replied" is a clause. True/False? Why?
True. It contains a verb.