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Adverbs or adjective is it correct?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She is very quiet. She doesn't talk much.
She was waiting for me patient.
Incorrect: She was waiting for me PATIENTLY.
I asked her kind if she could open the window.
Incorrect: I asked her KINDLY if she could oppen the window.
The fish was bad.
When they saw a bear they ran quick.
INcorrect: When they saw a bear they ran QUICKLY.
The mother spoke patient to her child.
The mother spoke PATIENTLY to her child.
Tina is good at swimming.
Could you speak slow.
Incorrect: Could you speak slowly.
I am an early bird. I always get up early.
It isn't comfortably to stand in the rain.
Incorrect: It isn't COMFORTABLE to stand in the rain.
My cat sat comfotably on my back and fell asleep.
Tom won the competition. He is well at running.
INcorrect: Tom won the competition. He is GOOD at running.
She has been patiently until now.
Incorrect: She has been PATIENT until now.
They have to walk carefully across the forest.
She has to do it very quickly.
You can't speak loud in the library.
Incorrect: You can't speak LOUDLY in the library.
Her mum is kindly. She often helps me with my homeworks.
Incorrect: Her mum is KIND.
My mum is kind. She always helps people.
I ate my dinner very fastly.
Incorrect: I ate my dinner very fast.
It was an easily test.
INcorrect: It was an easy test.
The mother spoke patiently to her baby.
I was really nervously while I was waiting for the test.
INcorrect: I was really nervous while I was waiting for the test
I have broken my phone. I hope it can be mended cheaply.
My mother is a well cook.
Inncorect: My mother is a GOOD cook.
My friend speak english very well.