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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where did you saw her?
INcorrect: When did you see her?
They are very happy when he came.
Inncorect: They WERE very happy when he came.
They are very happy when he came.
Inncorect: They WERE very happy when he came.
They were very happy when he came.
She didn't see me yesterday at the restaurant.
I went to the butcher's and buy half a kilo of beef.
INNCORRECT: I went to the butcher's and BOUGHT half a kilo of beef.
They saw him but he walked away.
She called me last month but she didn't told me about him.
Incorrect: She called me last night but she didn't tell me about him.
They didn't eat your chocolate.
I go to the beach last week.
Incorrect: I went to the beach last week.
What did you bought at the butcher's?
Incorrect: What did you buy at the butcher's?
Where did you see her?
I was at home and watched TV.
She didn't sang " Happy Birthday" to me.
Incorrect: She didn't sing "Happy Birthday" to me.
I go to the kitchen because I was hungry.
Incorrect: I went to the kitchen because I was hungry.
I woke up at half past seven this morning.
My mum went to the greengrocers and buy a bunch of parsley.
Incorrect: My mum went to the greengrocers and BOUGHT a bunch of parsley.
Where you buy this shoes?
Incorrect: where DID you buy this shoes?
I walked to the park with my mum.
She wrote an email to me last night.
Correct :)
Does Tina ride a bike yesterday?
Incorrect: DID Tina ride a bike yesterday?
Where you went last summer?
Incorrect: Where did you go last summer?
I didn't swim in the ocean last year.
She make a cake yesterday.
Incorrect: She MADE a cake yesterday.