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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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this top / exactly / same / that one
This top is exactly the same as that one
the exam / wasn't / difficult / expected
The exam wasn't as difficult as I expected
Spanish / very / similar / Portuguese
Spanish is very similar to Portuguese
Chile / one / beautiful / places / I / ever / visited
Chile is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited
this exercise / slightly / difficult / last one
This exercise is slightly more difficult than the last one
Sandy/far/best / student / class
Sandy is by far the best student in the class
London/ much /big/Manchester
London is much bigger than Manchester
Tokyo is __________ (far, expensive) than Bangkok
far more expensive
Charlotte is probably the least/least most confident person I know.
the least confident
That's the tallest building of/in the world.
in the world
That soup was by far/far more delicious than I expected it to be.
The furthest/further I've ever travelled from home is the north of the country
This TV is slightly more expensive as/than that one, but it's much better.
This brand is exactly the same as/than that one, but half the price.
The film wasn't as good/better as I expected itto be.
as good as
Vietnam is by far/far the most interesting countryI've ever visited.
by far
I’m not sure if this is _____ way to get to their house but it certainly is a much ____ one because of the scenery. (quick / good)
the quickest, better
Our new car is a little bit_____ than the last one and is also a lot ______ to drive. (economical / easy)
more economical, easier
The new restaurant was a lot ______ than we expected but now we know why. Their food was _______ we’ve ever tasted. (busy / delicious)
busier, the most delicious
His marks in the last test were slightly_____ in maths, but much ______ in English. (low / high)
lower, higher
It’s far _____ to fly by plane these days and it is also one of ______ ways to travel. (cheap / safe)
cheaper, the safest
Technology is much _______ in today’s world. It has also made the world a much _____ place than it used to be. (important / small)
more important, smaller