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Mixed Modals!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When she lived in Brazil, she ________ to work (walk)
used to walk.
Ken is really sick, he ________ so much at the buffet this morning.
shouldn't have eaten
I am so tired. I _________ a nap before we left.
should have taken
Layla couldn't go out last night because she ________ for her English exam.
had to
Prisha must take the key. I don't see it anywhere. (find the error)
Prisha MUST HAVE TAKEN the key. I don't see it anywhere.
The sofa was pretty comfy, but I would rather slept on the bed. (find the error)
The sofa was pretty comfy, but I would rather HAVE slept on the bed.
Where is the rest of the pizza? Who had to eat it? (find the error)
Where is the rest of the pizza? Who COULD HAVE EATEN it?
When I worked in a Cuban restaurant, I would have eaten Cuban food every day. (find the error)
When I worked in a Cuban restaurant, I USED TO eat, Cuban food every day.
That woman could have been Jun's grandmother. She passed away last month. (find the error)
That woman COULDN'T have been Jun's grandmother. She passed away last month.
Luca couldn't go to the game because he _______ study.
had to (past neccesity)
Kevin ________ to watch his little sister when his parents goes out.
Has to (necessity)
I _______ renew my driver's license before it expires.
have got to / must
She ____________ to attend this class if she doesn't want to.
doesn't have to
Doctors _______ wear a mask when they are performing surgery.
Have to / must
If you don't want your dessert you ________ eat it.
don't have to
Don't run in the corridor (change to modal)
You musn't run in the corridor (obligation)
wear / must / business attire / at the office
You must wear business attire at the office
Don't eat during the lesson (change to modal)
You shouldn't eat during the lesson.
Don't play music in class (change to modal)
You shouldn't play music in class
study / before your final exams
You had better (more serious) / should study before your final exams
get / eight hours of sleep / every night
You should get eight hours of sleep every night. (Modals of Advice)
study / two hours / a night
You should study two hours a night (Modal of Advice)