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Book 2 - First Conditional

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I won't go to the beach if it ____ (be) rainy tomorrow.
If she ____ (have) time, she will visit her mother.
Complete: My boss will get angry if...
free answer
I will be happy if...
free answer
Complete: If I don't pay attention to the class, I...
free answer
Complete: I will help my friend if he/she...
free answer
I will be happy if I _______ (find) money in the street.
If I have time, I ______ (watch) series.
will watch
The children will get tired if they ____ (not rest).
don't rest
If you don't go to the party, your girlfriend ____ (be) sad.
will be
If the boss ____ (call) her, she will answer the phone.
The boy will be thirsty if he _______ (not drink) anything.
doesn't drink
They won't know the truth if you ______ (not say) anything.
don't say
You ______ (not pass) the exam if you don't study.
won't pass
If I go now, I ________ (get) there on time.
will get
If he _____ (get) nervous, he will make a mistake.
If your sister goes to Paris, she ________ (see) the Eiffel Tower.
will see
If you _____ (eat) a lot of fast food, you will be unhealthy.