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Saint Patrick's Day

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many people get together every year in New York's parade?
Around 3,000,000 people
When was the first great parade in New York? Approximately.
Why did many people fly to America in 1845?
Because Ireland was going through the Great Famine.
Where did the celebrations actually start?
In America.
What does "The Holy Trinity" mean?
The Father, the Spirit and the Son.
Why did Patrick use the shamrock?
To explain the Holy Trinity.
Are there any snakes in Ireland? Why?
No. Because the water around Ireland is too cold for them to migrate.
It is said that St Patrick ... all the snakes from Ireland.
When did St. Patrick die?
17th March, 461
Which religion did he convert to?
How long has he been in captivity?
6 years.
What happened to him at the age of 16?
He was kidnapped by raiders.
Which empire was he part of?
The Roman Empire.
What nationality was St. Patrick?
When do we celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
17th March