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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you do if you forgot your backpack?
call home
What do you say if you are at a playdate and your friend doesn't do what you want to do?
take turns picking the game you play
What do you say if you think your glasses are cool and a friend says they are ugly
whatever, I like them..or you can ignore them
What do you say if someone asks you if you like their shirt but you think it looks ugly?
say, "you look nice"
What do you do if you are alone at recess?
ask someone if you can play with them
What should you do if another kid tells you to do something mean or wrong
DON'T DO IT! tell the teacher
What should you do if a kid tells you to say curse word
don't say it, tell the teacher
What do you say if your friend asks how do you like their new haircut and you think it looks bad
tell them they look nice, don't tell them you think its ugly
What can you say if you like your teachers new dress?
I like your dress, you look pretty
What do say if your friend asks how you like their new shoes and you think they are ugly
Say they are nice, don't say you think they are ugly
What should you saw if your friend asks if you like her new glasses and you think they are ugly?
say they look cool or nice. Don't say you think are ugly
What should you say if you like your friends shirt?
give them a compliment and say, "I like your shirt"
What do you do if you don't feel good in class?
ask to go to the nurse
What do you do if you don't have someone to talk to during an activity?
ask a classmate to join in their group
What do you do if you need to burp
try to keep it quiet and say excuse me
what do you do if you want to play ball with kids at recess
ask if you can join in
What do you do if you know the answer to a question in class
raise your hand
what do you do if someone is mean to you on the bus?
tell the teacher
What do you do if your teacher says we don't have time to do an activity you were excited about?
think to yourself, "oh well, maybe tomorrow"
What do you do if your speech teacher is a few minutes late picking you up?
What do you do if you need to fart in class?
go to the bathroom, or say excuse me