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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How should you be online?
You should be ready like a soldier to protect data and personal info.
How should you respond when talking to a stranger online?
Think first before you act, talk to an adult and block them.
What should you not share online?
You should not share your address or your location.
digital means what?
tech world like social media and more
should you be careful online
yes because it's unsafe
when you use social media you become a cybercitizen
yes very true
is the internet dangerous and safe if use right
Money is a small part of life
what makes the internet
what the closet planet to the sun
yes ore no can you swim
where would you go in the world?
How do you spell S
S is spell S
how big is the sun
bigger than the sun
life is beautiful when have
your meant to be...
Man was made by....?
Who created the moon?
Was David a king is Israel?
yes he was
Orange are orange but blueberry are blue
it a lemon
What type of flower is red in the world?
a rose
Was Jesus God
yes he was
IS life fun and games
Is your house on fire
Future prediction
Humans on mars