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Can You Name Three? Diagraphs oa ōw, ay ai

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three words with "ee"
bee, tree, three, etc.
Name three cities (not in Japan).
New York, Paris, London, etc.
Name three things at the beach.
sand, water, towel etc.
Name three insects (bugs).
ladybug, spider, butterfly, etc.
Name three words with "ea"
beach, tea, peach, etc.
Name three words with "ch"
chicken, chopsticks, cheese, etc.
Name three words with "sh"
ship, shop, fish, etc.
Name three words with "oo"
cook, book, boot
Name 3 words with "ar"
cat, star, start, etc...
Name three words with "ou".
mouse, house, out, etc...
Name three cool things.
ice cream, rain, water, etc...
Name three "or" words.
Sports, horse, passport
Name three "ir" words.
shirt, skirt, bird. etc...
Name three "ow" words.
owl, towel, how, etc...
Name three "oy" words.
boy, toy, enjoy etc...
Name 3 toys.
yoyo, game, ball, etc
Name 3 sports with NO ball.
swimming, archery, karate
Name three things you enjoy.
games, camping, reading, etc...
Name three words with oa.
goat, boat, goal, etc...
Name three words with ōw
window, yellow, grow, etc...
Name three words with ōō
schōōl, pōōl, rōōm
Name three words with ay
tray, play, Sunday. etc...
Name three words with ai
tail, rain, train, etc...
Name three yellow things.
banana, lemon, flower, etc...
Name three gray things.
fog, mouse, elephant, etc...